Good Friday Service: April 18th | 7:00pm
Easter Sunday Services: April 20th | 8:30 & 10:30AM
Powerful live worship music from our worship team.
Empowering hope-filled message from Pastor Jeff.
Live stories and testimonies
Parking on the east and west side of the campus (parking also available at Lucas Christian Academy).
Overflow room for families with wiggly kiddos or those who need more elbow room.
Volunteer Team to greet you and assist with RL Kids check-in stations.
RLKids: there will be worship, resurrection activities, and a gospel message presentation.
There will be a festive Easter egg hunt at 12:15 for all kids ages 0-6th grade.
The Egg Hunt for ages 0-6th grade starts at 12:15, following the 2nd Easter Sunday Service. It will be located outside on the lawn!
Yes we have one Good Friday service on April 18th from 7-8pm! For Easter Sunday, we have TWO services at 8:30am and 10:30am.
Yes! Children are welcome. We have childcare available during both our Easter Sunday Services for all ages 0-6th grade. For our Good Friday Service, childcare will be only be available for preschoolers, ages 0-5.
Come wearing whatever you are most comfortable in! You’ll see a wide range from nice dresses and slacks, to regular jeans. Remember there will be a photo booth setup in Fireside Room for family photos!