Good Friday Service: April 18th | 7:00pm

Easter Sunday Services: April 20th | 8:30 & 10:30AM


  • Powerful live worship music from our worship team.

  • Empowering hope-filled message from Pastor Jeff.

  • Live stories and testimonies

  • Parking on the east and west side of the campus (parking also available at Lucas Christian Academy).

  • Overflow room for families with wiggly kiddos or those who need more elbow room.

  • Volunteer Team to greet you and assist with RL Kids check-in stations.

  • RLKids: there will be worship, resurrection activities, and a gospel message presentation.

  • There will be a festive Easter egg hunt at 12:15 for all kids ages 0-6th grade.

  • The Egg Hunt for ages 0-6th grade starts at 12:15, following the 2nd Easter Sunday Service. It will be located outside on the lawn!

  • Yes we have one Good Friday service on April 18th from 7-8pm! For Easter Sunday, we have TWO services at 8:30am and 10:30am.

  • Yes! Children are welcome. We have childcare available during both our Easter Sunday Services for all ages 0-6th grade. For our Good Friday Service, childcare will be only be available for preschoolers, ages 0-5.

  • Come wearing whatever you are most comfortable in! You’ll see a wide range from nice dresses and slacks, to regular jeans. Remember there will be a photo booth setup in Fireside Room for family photos!