Membership Night

Membership Night

Membership Night is an opportunity to hear in depth the vision and values of Resonate Life Church, as well as how you can use your gifts in ministry. You will be able to ask questions and spend time getting to know the details of the church to see if you would like to make the decision to partner with Resonate. When you decide to partner with Resonate as a part of the body of Christ, you are committing to the unity and the care of one another. Also, you could be considered to serve in leadership (serve team leader, small group leader, altar ministry team, kids small group leader). 

Dinner will be provided as well as childcare.

Please register every person attending including children.

*You do not have to become a member or "partner" of Resonate to attend a small group or to serve on other serve teams.

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The Greatest Journey Encounter Weekend

The Greatest Journey Encounter Weekend

If you want to experience freedom from the pain of your past and healing in your most important relationships today, then this encounter weekend is for you.

Our deepest joys and greatest pain are with those we have loved and trusted the most. Why? Because God made us for family and intimacy, with Him and others, which is why the pain of relational betrayal goes so deep. In the Greatest Journey you’ll walk hand-in-hand with Jesus to surrender the deepest pain of your life in exchange for His healing and forgiveness. Instead of concealing painful memories and living in regret, anger, depression, pride or shame, He wants to reveal your pain to heal it. 

Cost is $49 per person which includes:

  • Coffee and snacks Friday night 

  • Light breakfast and catered lunch on Saturday

  • TGJ Workbook

(There is currently no childcare provided)

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Mexico Mission Trip 2025
to Jun 25

Mexico Mission Trip 2025

In 2025 we will be having our Summer Missions Trip! This trip is for Students 14 years and older. Young Adults w/ Adult Chaperones welcomed.
 We will be partnering with YWAMQ (Youth With A Mission Querétaro) to minister to children in need, visit rehabilitation centers, and pour into the community. For more info on what they are doing in the area feel free to visit their website at

Key Details:
*Dates - June 20-25, 2025
*Group size - 40 (max)
*Location @ Querétaro, Mexico
*Who is going? Students 14 yrs and older. Young Adults w/ Adult Chaperones. (18 yrs and older needs background check)
*Cost $ 1,200 per person
(Includes airfare, food & lodging)
* Feb 23rd 1st Deposit $100 
* March 14 - Additional Deposit $200
                   - Final count with names and passport copies due.
* April 18 - Payment Due $300 
* May 14 - Payment Due $300
* June 6 - Full Payment Due $300

*Passports have to be valid 6 months pass June 25th. 

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Sunday Evening Prayer

Sunday Evening Prayer

On Sunday January 5th, we are kicking off our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting with a night of prayer in the sanctuary. We hope you will join us as we use this time to seek the Lord together!


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21 Days of Prayer & Fasting
to Jan 26

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting

The 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting is an annual corporate event we partake in every new year! We are fasting and praying in unity as a spiritual family, but it should also be a deeply personal and Spirit-led fast - that means you should be asking the Holy Spirit what He wants you to set aside personally, so that you can seek Him wholeheartedly.

You’ll be challenged to seek God for your own life, your family, this church community, and our nation. Together we’re asking God to prepare us for everything he wants to do in 2025!

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Create a new family tradition of celebrating Christmas Eve Service!

This service brings us back to the real reason for the season, the birth of Jesus Christ. In this one hour service will feature singing Christmas hymns, a dramatic reading of the Christmas story, a short message on the meaning of this important day, and end the service with our special candlelight moment to represent Christ coming as the light of the world. We would love for your family to join us for this special service!

Resonate Life Church 415 W. Lucas Rd, Lucas, TX. 75002

One hour service

No Childcare but our adjacent Fireside room with live feed will be available for any parent and child.

We will use real candles, but we also have battery powered candles for little ones.

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Family Christmas Service

Family Christmas Service

Family Christmas Sunday - Dec. 8.

Two Services 8:30 & 10:30am

Celebrate Christmas with Resonate Life Church This Sunday! It’s our annual Family Christmas Day on Dec. 8th.

We will have TWO services, one at 8:30am and one at 10:30am!

This is the day we as a church celebrate this amazing season together. Experience all the best Christmas music and a live theatrical production of an original story called “Mae’s Gift”. This drama will pull on your heart strings and stir hope in your heart for what Christmas really means. Enjoy pictures with Santa and Hot Cocoa after the second service.

This is a free event and open to the whole family. See you there!

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Resonate Life Church Christmas Widow & Single Moms Fund
to Dec 22

Resonate Life Church Christmas Widow & Single Moms Fund

The Bible tells us to take care of our widows, and as a church we desire to follow through with that! If you are a widow who has been struggling to make ends meet, please reach out using this form (linked below) so that we can bless you this Holiday Season!

"Honor widows who are widows indeed." (1 Timothy 5:3)

Sign-Up Form:

Click the link above, or scan the QR code!

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Family Fall Block Party

Family Fall Block Party


Church Family! This is an evening to enjoy one another with all the Fall Feels! Bring your family and a lawn chair or blanket!

The Fall Block Party is from 4-8pm

Here is a list of activities:

  • Hay Rides

  • Carnival Games

  • Petting Zoo and Pony Rides

  • Bon Fire & s’mores

  • Chili cook off

  • Live music

  • Face painting

  • Balloon animals

  • Bounce houses

  • community games, egg race, 3 legged race

Scan the QR Code to sign-up! Or go to:

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A Call to Prayer and Worship

A Call to Prayer and Worship

We are gathering on the lawn under the pavilion for a night of worship and prayer over our country, the election, and our church family. Come join us to pray over one another, and over all of the important events that are now taking place in our world.

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RL Youth Back to School Bash

RL Youth Back to School Bash

Calling all RL Youth to join us tonight for our Back to School Bash!

There will be Rootbeer Floats, Pizza, an Inflatable Jousting Tournament, 9-Square, and a Sidewalk Chalk Competition in addition to Worship and a special Back to School message from our Guest Speaker Kyle Embry, the Executive Pastor of Freedom Church!

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Biblical Foundations (Purple Book)
to Aug 21

Biblical Foundations (Purple Book)


Every Tuesday!

About Biblical Foundations Group (Purple Book)
What does the Bible actually say about the way we should live?
In 12 weeks we will unpack the foundations of Biblical truth from Salvation and Baptism to Lordship, Spiritual gifts, prayer, generosity, evangelism, and even the Resurrection.
You’ll not only learn what it means to be a follower of Christ, but you’ll also be given opportunities to put those truths into practice.
“Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” Philippians 4:9 NIV

Come and see what living a life in the fullness of Christ is all about!
Here’s a link to the Purple Book on Amazon:

We'll cover a chapter per week together in the group. You'll do the "homework" of filling out the chapter the week before we meet and then at the meeting, we'll discuss that chapter and what you learned from it.

What exactly is The Purple Book?
The Purple Book is a Bible study guide designed to help believers know and apply the essential beliefs of Christianity. From students and scholars to parents, kids, rock stars, and professional athletes, people all over the world are doing The Purple Book. And, it’s the book the Newsboys give away at every concert! Why? Because it gives new believers and longtime followers of Jesus the foundation they need to grow strong in the Christian life.
As you work through these 54 short lessons of about 15 minutes each, you will:
Understand foundational truths that God wants you to hear on topics such as sin, salvation, spiritual gifts, prayer, worship, generosity, and evangelism.
Learn how the Bible is "God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3:16).
Discover that the faith you hold has true power to change lives and transform nations.

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The Greatest Journey: 10 Week ZOOM Course

The Greatest Journey: 10 Week ZOOM Course


Every Wednesday Evening!!

The Greatest Journey is a 10-week course designed to help you experience healing from the wounds of your past and restoration in broken relationships.

STARTS: Wednesday, August 14 at 7:15PM*
DATES: Aug 14 - Oct 16
TIME: 7:15-8:45PM
COST: $40**

*This will be an online only course available via ZOOM (link in confirmation email)
**Attendees will need to order their course guide in advance from Amazon:

Sign-Up Here:


More detailed info: This course is taught by Pastor Ben Watts, director of our Freedom Life Ministry at Resonate. Pastor Ben wrote this course several years ago and has walked with hundreds of people toward victory, healing and restoration in Christ.

You’ll receive clear, biblical teaching along with practical tools that will empower you to…

- Identify and uproot deeply embedded bitterness and unforgiveness
- Understand your family of origin and key sources of pain growing up
- Find healing and restoration from rejection and abuse
- Expose and replace toxic les and emotions
- Stand confidently in your identity as a child of God
- Break free from cycles of anger, depression, anxiety, and shame
- Learn now to confront pain and offenses in a biblical, hope-filled way
- Stay free from ongoing offenses and hurts

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Healing for the Adult Years: 8 Week Zoom Course

Healing for the Adult Years: 8 Week Zoom Course


This course is only for those who have completed The Greatest Journey as an encounter weekend or 10 week course, and have fully completed all written assignments, such as the Life Story, Letters of Rebuke, and Letters of Repentance. Healing for the Adult Years is an additional 8-week course that builds on the work of The Greatest Journey. It is designed to help you experience healing from the wounds of your adult years and restoration in broken relationships. 

STARTS:  Monday, August 12 at 7:30PM*

DATES:    August 12 - September 30

TIME:       7:30-9:00PM

COST:      $30**

*This will be an online only course available via ZOOM (link in confirmation email)

**Attendees will need to order their Restoring Relationships Season Two Journal in advance from Amazon:


More detailed info: This course is taught by Pastor Ben Watts, director of our Freedom Life Ministry at Resonate. Pastor Ben helped to write and design this course with his mentor, Dominic Herbst, and his son, Joseph Herbst, last year. For those who have completed The Greatest Journey, this will be a similar journey toward victory, healing and restoration in Christ for brokenness and pain in the adult years (19 years old to present). 

You’ll receive clear, biblical teaching along with practical tools that will empower you to…

- Identify and uproot deeply embedded bitterness and unforgiveness

- Find healing and restoration from rejection and abuse

- Expose and replace toxic les and emotions

- Break free from cycles of anger, depression, anxiety, and shame

- Confront demonic strongholds still at work in your life

- Learn now to confront pain and offenses in a biblical, hope-filled way

- Write an action plan for accountability and healthy boundaries

Register Here:

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Youth Camp
to Jul 5

Youth Camp

  • Camp Copass 8200 E McKinney St Denton, TX 76208 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us this Summer: In 2024 we will be having our summer Student Camp! This camp is for Middle and High School students. This is going to be a 5 day camp with lodging, meals, activities, conferences and guest speakers all included!

Key Details:
Ages: Going into 7th - graduating Seniors
When: July 1st - 5th
Cost: $300

Click Here for more info, or to Register:

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Good Friday Service

Good Friday Service

Join us for this one hour service to focus on the death and sacrifice of our Lord Jesus as we prepare our hearts for the most important day of the year, Resurrection Sunday.

In this one hour service we will read passages from the passion week, take communion together, and worship..

Childcare available only for nursery and preschool.

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Ethnos Course

Ethnos Course

ETHNOS Course is for any individual or church group. This course is for the Christian who wants to share Jesus with those around them. If you feel intimidated, fearful, or unsure about how to tell others about Jesus, this is for you. With these seven sessions full of short videos and practical application, you will gain the confidence and skills to share your faith across cultures.

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Stay up to date with the latest events happening at Resonate Life Church